All Together (1941)
All Together by Walt Disney is a three-minute educational short animated film made by the Walt Disney Studios for the Na...
Donald's Decision (1941)
Donald's Decision is a four-minute educational short animated film made by Disney Studios for the National Film Board of...
Seven Wise Dwarfs (1941)
7 Wise Dwarfs is a 1941 four-minute educational short animated film made by the Walt Disney Studios for Walt Disney Prod...
The Thrifty Pig (1941)
The Thrifty Pig is a four-minute educational short animated film made by the Walt Disney Studios for the National Film B...
Health For The Americas: Cleanliness Brings Health (1945)
The now-defunct US Government Agency 'Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs' hired Walt Disney Studios to ...
Food Will Win the War (1942)
Food Will Win the War is an American short animated film produced by Walt Disney Studios and released on July 21, 1942, ...
Four Methods of Flush Riveting (1942)
Flush riveting is a way of connecting two pieces of sheet metal together using rivets whose heads do not protrude above ...
Health For The Americas: Environmental Sanitation (1946)
The now-defunct US Government Agency 'Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs' hired Walt Disney Studios to ...
Health For The Americas: Insects As Carriers of Disease (1945)
The now-defunct US government agency 'Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs' hired Walt Disney Studios to ...
Health For The Americas: Planning for Good Eating (1946)
The now-defunct US Government Agency 'Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs' hired Walt Disney Studios to ...
Health For The Americas: The Unseen Enemy (1945)
The now-defunct United States Government agency commissioned Walt Disney Studios to create a series of films for develop...
Out of the Frying Pan Into the Firing Line (1942)
In 1942, Walt Disney made this short film for the U.S. War Production Board (a now-defunct agency of the federal governm...